Kasey Bledsoe on The Importance of Good Bedside Manner

Kasey Bledsoe
3 min readFeb 22, 2023


While many factors can affect a patient’s recovery, proper bedside manner is critical to ensure they receive the best care. This is an essential part of nurses’ and physicians’ training programs. They can improve their skills by implementing techniques such as active listening.

The concept of good bedside manner refers to how medical professionals interact with their patients. This can involve facilitating initial treatments and consultations and delivering life-changing diagnoses.

Demonstrating a good bedside manner requires staying focused, professional, and empathetic.

Some medical professionals might focus on improving their efficiency or productivity by neglecting the importance of a good bedside manner. This concept has a long history and continues to be relevant to today’s healthcare environment. It was established during the Classical Greece era by Hippocrates, a prominent Greek physician.

Patient Comfort

Patients entering a hospital or doctor’s office may feel anxious or confused. A good bedside manner could help ease their fears and make them more comfortable. It can also improve their health outcomes and satisfaction. A good relationship with a doctor or nurse can help a patient avoid experiencing the adverse effects of their illness.

Patient Honesty

Demonstrating good bedside manner can also help patients trust their doctors. This can lead to them being more open about their conditions, which can help them receive the best possible treatment. Having the necessary information about their needs can help medical professionals create effective treatment plans.

Improves Reputation

A good bedside manner can also help improve a medical professional’s reputation. Patients may refer others to the office if they feel they have a good experience with the doctor or nurse. Having a good relationship with patients can help build strong connections and improve the quality of their care. As a medical professional’s reputation grows, they can continue providing the best possible care to their patients.

First Impressions

A medical professional can create an excellent first impression by addressing patients by their last names. A formal manner can help maintain professionalism, though patients may be asked to choose their preferred name.

Be Professional

When discussing a patient’s condition, a healthcare professional should use proper medical terms and respect their differences. They should also try to make the patient feel valued and equal.

Nonverbal Cues

Non-verbal cues are also important factors a healthcare professional should consider when demonstrating a good bedside manner. Proper posture and eye contact can help build a positive relationship with patients.

Conversational Skills

Although being friendly is essential, it’s also important that a healthcare professional leads a conversation that’s focused on the patient’s recovery and health.

Respect Your Patients’ Time

If a patient’s visit lasts longer than expected, a medical professional should consider apologizing for the delay and showing a good bedside manner. They can also assure the patient they’re committed to providing the best possible care.

Practice Active Listening

Being active listeners can help medical professionals keep track of the patient’s symptoms and concerns. They can also take notes while remaining engaged. If they prefer to type on a computer, they can use a keyboard and monitor designed to allow them to face the patient. They should avoid getting distracted by the screen.

Originally published at https://kaseybledsoe.com on February 22, 2023.



Kasey Bledsoe

Kasey Bledsoe earned her 1st nursing degree from Lancaster County Career and Technology Center. View more about Kasey’s education by visiting kaseybledsoe.net.